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Flush Bottom Ball Valve

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DRAINAGE IS FAST : Port diameter of the ball is equal to the pipe bore When valve is opened the flow is straight through, full and unobstructed

DRAINAGE IS EASY : The quater-turn open to close feature, it also requires exceptionally low operating torque.

DRAINAGE IS COMPLETE : The ball is located very near to the tank, minimizes space, this prevent sludge and other trapped sediment from accumulating.

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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves, Center Disk Wafer Buttrerfly Valve, Dual Plate Check Valve, Extended Stem For Cryogenic Services, Floating Ball Valve, Flush Bottom Ball Valve, Forged Ball Valve, Forged Gate Valve, Forged Globe Valve, Gate Valve, Gate Valves, Globe Valve, Globe Valves, Jacketed Ball Valve, Lift Check Valve, Needle Valves, Non Return Valves, Plug Valves, Products, Segmented Ball Valve, Single Disk Spring Loaded Wafer Check Valve, Single Offset Butterfly Valve, Swing Check Valve, Top Entry Ball Valve, Trunion Mounted Ball Valve, Valves Mfgrs. And Dealers, Wafer Type Ball Valve, Y Strainer, Valves, Actuators, Forging, Foundry, Fabrication, Tube And Pipe